TOWN OF WHEELOCK REQUEST FOR BID: Historic Wood Windows – MERP Energy Project Please sub...
Welcome to the Town of Wheelock!
A state permit is required to do any work involving streams or streambanks.
The VT Dept of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Management Division, Rivers Program manages the permit process.
A paper copy of the application can also be picked up at the Town Clerk's Office.
The Vermont Department of Elections will be mailing ballots to all registered voters for the November election. There will be a rolling mail-out beginning September 23. Voted ballots can be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by mail, in person during regular hours or on election day. Wheelock does not have a drop box.
Wheelock should have 5 Justices of the Peace to help conduct elections, count ballots, perform duties as Board of Civil Authority members. There are only four candidates on the ballot. Anyone interested in serving in this position could run a write-in campaign. Contact the Town Clerk for information.
Wheelock should have 5 Justices of the Peace to help conduct elections, count ballots, perform duties as Board of Civil Authority members. There are only four candidates on the ballot. Anyone interested in serving in this position could run a write-in campaign. Contact the Town Clerk for information.
Tax bills have been mailed. Early payments will be appreciated. Taxes are due no later than Nov. 1, 2024.
Contact your property insurance carrier regarding damage to your home or property.
The State asks that residents with flood damage report the damage to 211.
Damage to your road can be reported to the highway department message phone at (802) 626-1060 or the town clerk's office at (802) 626-9094.
Contact your property insurance carrier regarding damage to your home or property.
The State asks that residents with flood damage report the damage to 211.
Damage to your road can be reported to the highway department message phone at (802) 626-1060 or the town clerk's office at (802) 626-9094.
Please contact Carol Rossi or Atti Seguin, current listers, for information about this position.
The position will be filled by a Selectboard appointment until the next Town Meeting.